Looking for a job? The search can be really confusing and stressful, especially if this is your first big career move. Here are 14 pieces of advice THEY don’t want you to know that’ll help you snag a job in no time.

They want you to get in the game late.

Look at job applications and descriptions before you’re ready to apply. It’ll help you formulate what kind of role you’d like to see yourself in and figure out what skills you need to develop as well.

Do you think they want you to maximize your opportunities?

Photo: Giphy

Apply for EVERYTHING. Even positions that you don’t think you’re qualified for. If you’re passionate and display interest, people will give you a chance.

They want you to panic.

If you’re in the entertainment industry or a communications-related field, trying not to panic is hard. Opportunities will fall out of the sky. They’re hidden in the nooks and crannies of offices. The more networking you do, the easier it’ll be to find these jobs. Don’t let them fool you. Patience is a major key in this game.

They don’t want you to have a sales pitch.

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Create a one-line pitch that accurately describe the skills you hope to utilize the most and in what capacity you’d like to use them. This is also called an elevator speech. Whatever you decide to call it, stay strapped and ready to impress.

They don’t want you to be professional.

Always be cordial and always stay professional with people who you meet during your job search. No matter how cool they are or how well you might think you know them, professionalism is a major key in keeping your resumé at the top of their minds.

Do you think they want you sliding into DMs?

Photo: Giphy

Never trust they. LinkedIn is truly the GOAT for connecting with like-minded professionals in any field. Twitter is as well. Don’t be afraid to slide into someone’s DMs to ask if they can give you advice.

They don’t want you to go on informational interviews.

An informational is a sit-down where you ask someone about their job responsibilities, career path and the company that they work for. It’s an amazing method of networking that’ll show people you’re motivated to join the industry.

When you go on that informational, always show gratitude.

Photo: Giphy

Handwritten notes go a long way in our Internet-first society.

They don’t want you to work with recruiters.

Stay on the radar of hiring managers at the company you wish to work for. Recruiters know about jobs as they’re developing and can help you get your foot in the door before the door is even open.

They don’t want you to have a side hustle

dj khaled finding a job
Photo: Giphy

Freelancing to make extra money is especially crucial when you’re job searching while you don’t have a job. Don’t let them fool you. Having multiple streams of income is vitally important no matter what.

They don’t want you to have a strong network.

Put yourself out there! Attend networking events in your industry. Go to conferences, workshops, summits and everything that you can to build your network.

They don’t want you to keep that network, either!

Photo: Giphy

Always show your contacts love. Keep track of how you met people and what your shared connections are. Staying out of touch is a sure way to weaken relationships that could be beneficial to your career.

They want you to settle .

NEVER settle. Do not panic and take a job that you don’t want because you’re scared. Write out your list of wants before you start your job search and stick to them. What is for you will never miss you.

Major MAJOR key alert: Stay away from THEY.

Photo: Giphy

Stay away from everyone who’s against your success. People will always try to hold you back, especially when you’re trying to do better. Don’t let they ruin your success.

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